The Breadline of Rome.

Finally finished Rome. Good, dirty, violent times. Did the Roman’s really have that much sex? With everyone? Did they have herpes back then cause pretty sure no one was disclosing their status if they did. I’ll look that up later. For now I want to talk about a couple of ladies who appeared in the last couple of episodes in teeny tiny parts. Well, I lie; Kathryn Hunter had an occuring part, playing Cleopatra’s right hand servant, Charmian. The other actor I wanted to mention was Anne Lambton, you may know her as the predatory snake lady with purple eyes in Nicholas Roeg’s The Witches:

Or that woman who made you keep your night light on until you were 12.

Lambton played the ‘pharmacopolist’ whose role in the episode was to supply abortion herbs to a shifty bitch. No questions asked, over the counter abortion concoctions were apparently pretty easy to get back in the days. I wonder if they had remedies for Herpes? Anyway, I like a good Anne Lambton sighting so although she was only in two episodes for a total of forty seconds I was pretty happy. And apart from the hair I don’t think she has aged much since her purple eyed days:

"Will you be using the drugs for yourself? No? Owkay, go for it."

On to Kathryn Hunter; I would love to see this woman perform live, I hear the stage is where she is in her element. Her film work compromises of generally small parts, including a lovely role as a pushy French taxi passenger in Mike Leigh’s All or Nothing and as Harry’s neighbour Arabella Figg in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

In "All or Nothing".

Her role on Rome is small too but important. The dynamics between servant and master (Cleopatra is played brilliantly by Lyndsey Marshal) are wonderful and balanced. Hunter’s calmness, dignity and tolerance balances out the erratic, almost bipolar nature of Marshal’s Cleopatra.

Just watching a guy cop an arrow to the jugular, the norm.

I realise there wasn’t much point to this post, I really just wanted to post the caps I made from Rome. It’s been hot, ok, I had to stay inside… and screencap Rome… Naaaaaawwww!

Kathryn Hunter as a man, holding a giant dick in "Celestina"

That is all.