
When I was 8 years old I saw Ever After. When I got home from the cinema I drew a picture of Anjelica Huston, it was much like any 8 year old drawn portrait; minimal and bearing no likeness to the person whos likeness they were trying to capture. Since then my life has been a neverending cycle of fangirl obsessions and my mind has been filled with knowledge that no one should know due to the sheer uselessness of it all.

Unwitting enabler: “Why, who is that woman playing the incestuous mental health nurse in this episode of CSI?”

Me: “Well, since you asked, that woman is Annie Corley. You may have seen her as The Mez’s daughter in Bridges of Madison County or as the kindly yet tough talking sidekick in Free Willy 3, I could go on…”

20 minutes later…

Unwitting enabler: “Fuck you.”

Welcome to my life, stranger.

Annie Corley in that episode of CSI I was just talking about where she plays a sexual predator

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