Movies i’ve seen at the movies (Jan- Mar ’12)

WEEK 1 (02/01/12- 08/01/12) Women on the 6th Floor *3 1/2 STARS* Highly anticipated (by me) since August last year when Palace Cinemas started promoting it. There are some LOLworthy moments and it features some wonderful old lady banter but it is overly long. Also, the main love story kinda muddles along and then you’re like WHHHHAAAAAATTT? when something actually happens cause it’s just not plausible, I think this plot line was some old guys dream made into film.
OLD LADY FACTOR: Carmen Maura, my best mate.

WEEK 2 (09/01/12- 15/01/12) Albert Nobbs *3 STARS* Not the biggest fan of this film. Kudos to all the work Glenn Close put into this, her performance is reserved and explosive simultaneously but the film lacks the kind of intrigue and character development that a film like, say, Gosford Park, has. Janet McTeer is a stand out as Albert’s confident and successful cross-dressing buddy. A poignant piece of film making but lacking in depth.
OLD LADY FACTOR: Glenn Close and Janet McTeer in drag if you’re into that kind of thing. Oh and Maria Doyle Kennedy, hellz yeah!

WEEK 3 (16/01/12- 22/01/12) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy *2 STARS* Let me just clarify, those two stars are for the casting director. Johnny Hurt, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Ciaran Hinds= Old man heaven. This was a very well made film, aesthetically and performativley (if you can use that word in this context, if it is even a word) but the narrative was all over the place. Perhaps it was just my small mind but I think unless you had read the books or seen the original miniseries, it was impossible to understand. From start to finish I had no idea what was going on, nothing, I grasped nothing. I just know that Colin Firth and Mark Strong could’ve hooked up but they didn’t. Whatta shame.
OLD MAN FACTOR: Entire cast. Dayyyyummm boys!

WEEK 4 (23/01/12- 29/01/12) Young Adult *3 STARS* It’s hard to watch a movie when you hate the main character. I think we were supposed to hate her and that confused my mainstream-manipulated mind. Charlize Theron as Mavis wasn’t remotely likable and she never redeemed herself (at one point you were like ‘here she goes, show me your compassionate side’ but she just fucks us over again). The film had it’s fair share of well written and directed cringe-worthy moments and awkward encounters but as an audience member, one’s hate for Mavis and pity for all those who came in contact with her made the film viewing an uncomfortable experience.
OLD LADY FACTOR: Jill Eikenberry, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Tough times.

WEEK 5 (30/01/12- 05/02/12) Martha Marcy May Marlene *4 STARS* The fractured narrative of this film flowed smoothly, adding to the suspense of the story and aiding character development. A lot of what Martha goes through in the cult environment is left to the imagination. We are made to feel with her, rather than learn solely about her through her actions and words (which are few). The performances are natural and emotive. John Hawkes is fucking creepy as the enigmatic cult leader and Elizabeth Olsen is solid as the confused Martha. The cinematography showcases the haunting locations that Martha inhabits and highlights her isolation with an abundance of wide shots. Overall, a well written, directed and wonderfully edited film with fine performances all around.
OLD LADY FACTOR: No one, it was a sad day for us all.

WEEK 6 (06/02/12- 12/02/12) Was broke this week.

WEEK 7 (13/02/12- 19/02/12) Shame *3 1/2 STARS* Things I have learnt from watching this movie: Carey Mulligan is a terrific actress, Michael Fassbinder is creepalicious and if I saw him on the train yeah I’d probs be like ‘Oh haaaaiiii’ but i’d also get the sexual predator vibe off him and start to feel uncomfortable so…  This film is intense. Really intense. There’s not as much sex as I thought there was going to be, given it’s R rating. The general desperation and despair felt and shown throughout this movie, however, is enough to warrant it’s adult rating. The main characters are fucked. All of them. The characters are well developed despite their troubled past (assumedly contributing to their present downfall) only being alluded to. The film is a little monotonous but I think the director has chosen to keep it this way, monotony and routine being an integral part of the main character’s daily life. A depressing journey for all viewers but well worth seeing for its dramatic content.
OLD LADY FACTOR: No one. Living on the dark side.

WEEK 8 (20/02/12- 26/02/12) The Grey *3 1/2 STARS* This is a man’s movie. Female presence is lacking; there was an air hostess but she got killed in the plane crash and later her face gets mauled off by a wolf. Nice. Liam Neeson plays a badass who battles and survives a plane crash, death, hunger, angry wolves, blizzards, vengeful wolves, extreme cold and more large packs of aggressive wolves. All the while he gives philosophic advice to his slowly dwindling pack of stereotypical comrades. He basically walks around the Alaskan wilderness until everyone around him dies and he’s just like “fuck this, fuck you God! I don’t need anyone, fuck you wolves! Everyone can get fucked! I’m gonna tape shards of broken glass to my knuckles and kill some mother fucking wolves, are you ready?!” That’s basically the movie, you should go see it. Some top notch bullshit.
OLD MAN FACTOR: A bit of Liam Neeson never hurt anyone.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

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