Mini Review: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” was like walking into a room of old men who were halfway through a conversation talking smack and when you asked them what they were talking about they spat in your face. Because of this I do not know what happened in the movie, at all. I really couldn’t tell you. I know that Gary Oldman walked around a lot and there were quite a few gay subplots going on due to lack of women I presume (female presence was on the low side, basically Kathy Burke, some Russian chick and the back of another lady’s head). That’s about it. John Hurt was an alcoholic who carcked it in the first five minutes, nothing new. Maybe the book would help me understand. How could someone cast the entire “suave British blokes” acting population yet leave me with so little will to live after witnessing the final product?

A picture I found in the dictionary under "suave".

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